Tips For Growing Cabbage:
Soil: Well drained medium loam and /or sandy loam soils are suitable.
Sowing Time: As per the regional practices and timings.
Optimum Temperature For Germination: 25 – 300 o C
Transplanting: 25-30 days after sowing.
Preparation Of Main Field
Deep ploughing and harrowing.
Add well decomposed FYM 7-8 tones followed by harrowing to mix in the soil thoroughly.
Open the ridges and furrows at required spacing. per acre Apply basal dose of chemical fertilizer before transplanting.
irrigate the field one day before transplanting, make a hole at a required spacing to plant seedling.
Transplanting should be done late afternoon, after transplanting light irrigation should be given for better and quick establishment.
Fertilizer Management
Basal application before transplanting: 25:50:60 NPK kg / acre.
First top dressing 10-15 days after transplanting: 25:50:60 NPK kg / acre.
Second application 20 – 25 days after first top dressing: 25:00:00 NPK kg / acre.
Third application 10-15 days after second application: 25:00:00 NPK kg / acre.
Boron & Molybdenum should be sprayed at button stage.
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Is product se upaj kaafi badh gayi hai.